Recent News

Truth and Reconcilliation Day 2024

Honoring Truth and Reconciliation Day is an important opportunity to reflect on the history and ongoing impacts of colonialism, particularly regarding Indigenous communities. It emphasizes the need for understanding, healing, and making amends. On this day, many engage in activities…

Tzeachten FC Parking

Here’s a guide to our parking lots for game days and practices! 🚗 🗺️ Tzeachten FC Sports Field is accessible from the following entry points: 6249 Matheson Rd, Chilliwack (Turf Field) - Main Parking Lot (Box 2): This is our…

Spring Break 2024 Camp – U5-U6 (2018-2019 born)

Welcome to our Tzeachten FC 3 Day Spring Break Soccer Camp. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and engaging 3 days for your child. We will introduce these young players to the game in a fun and engaging environment. Players…

Spring Break 2024 Camp – U7-U8 (2016-2017 born)

Welcome to our Tzeachten FC 3 Day Spring Break Soccer Camp. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and engaging 3 days for your child. We will introduce our aspiring young players to the basic fundamentals of skill development. They…

Spring Break 2024 Camp – U9-U16 (2015-2008 born)

Welcome to our Tzeachten FC 3 Day Spring Break Soccer Camp. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and engaging 3 days for your child. Open to all levels and abilities. Players will look to develop the technical…

Cascadia League

Interested in playing for our club in a COMPETITIVE SPRING LEAGUE program? We will be submitting boys and girls teams (ages 2008-2013 born) into the Cascadia League, which kicks off in April.

TZFC December 2023

As 2023 draws to a close I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors and sponsors. Without your support we would not be able to provide all these wonderful programs for the youth of Tzeachten…

Christmas Swag

TZFC official Soccer GEAR is in stock! Come see us in the office. Wednesday & Thursday: 4:30pm - 7:30pm Saturday: 9:30am - 1pm

Coaches Corner – November 2023

Meet our Assistant Technical Director Ryan Critchley. If you haven't introduced yourself, please come say Hi, Ryan is the head of our Grassroots programs (you can't miss him, he is the tallest guy on the pitch) For questions regarding U5-U10…